Monday, 24 October 2016






‘Literary CUHK’ Essay Competition - Exhibition of best entries

To raise the literacy level and cultural awareness of students, the Chinese Language Teaching Development Centre of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature (Chinese Department), The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) organised the first ‘Literary CUHK’ last autumn. After nearly a year’s effort in inviting and judging entries, the awards were recently announced and given to 22 students.

Winners of this year’s competition come from different faculties including Arts, Business, Engineering, Science and Medicine. It is believed that the power of literature is transcending and influential among faculties.

The award-winning essays drew on the variety of features around and about CUHK, including Echinacea and the lovely cats at the New Asia College, birds flying outside the University Library, Koi fish swimming in the pond at the Institute of Chinese Studies, the beautiful sea view near the halls, various ghost stories that relate to Chung Chi College, the carpet of fog in the morning during spring time, the frosted glass placed on the door of the professors’ office rooms and much more. Humanity and values found expression in the students’ pieces, which is a precious and valuable experience for both writers and readers.  

Exhibition of best entries
Date: November 1 - 30, 2016
Venue: New Asia College Ch'ien Mu Library





部分發表的論文經過評審通過後,刊登於由香港中文大學中國文化研究所吳多泰中國語文研究中心出版的《中國語文通訊》(ISSN 1726-9245)專號。

香港中文大學 中國文化研究所 吳多泰中國語文研究中心、
中國語言及文學系  謹啟

International Symposium on Chinese in the Maritime Silk Road” Call For Papers

We are pleased to announce that the "International Symposium on Chinese in the Maritime Silk Road" will be held at The Chinese University of Hong Kong on April 7-8, 2017 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The Symposium is jointly organized by the T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre, Institute of Chinese Studies and the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, and co-organized by the Global China Research Programme and The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library.

We invite abstracts for submission on studies of phonology, lexicology, grammar, language acquisition, sociolinguistics, and language and culture of Chinese spoken in the countries and areas along the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, with some focus on the linguistic properties of overseas Chinese and Chinese dialects.  

Tentatively talks will be 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for discussion. All submitted abstracts can be written in English or in Chinese and limited to one single-spaced A4 page. The deadline for submission is on January 9, 2017 and the notice of acceptance will be released by February 13, 2017. Please visit the website below for the details of submission. 

A selected number of papers will be accepted for publication in a special volume of Current Research in Chinese Linguistics (ISSN 1726-9245) based on their merit.

For inquiries, please contact us by email at


T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre, Institute of Chinese Studies &
Department of Chinese Language and Literature
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong


新亞書院錢穆圖書館每兩個月精選一位著名的中國現代文學作家,介紹其生平和著述概況,並展出部份著作的珍貴版本。十一月至十二月展出的作家為曹禺,歡迎讀者參觀。如有查詢,歡迎致電 3943-7655 與本館職員聯絡。 
作家: 曹禺
日期: 二零一六年十一月一日至 十二月三十日
地點: 新亞書院錢穆圖書館一樓

Exhibition on Modern Chinese Literary Authors: Cao Yu

New Asia College Ch’ien Mu Library will exhibit one major modern Chinese author every two months. A brief biography together with select critical editions of their major works will be displayed. The author displayed in November and December is Cao Yu. For enquiry, please contact us at 3943-7655.  
Author: Cao Yu
Date: 1 November - 30 December, 2016
Venue: 1/F, New Asia College Ch’ien Mu Library

Friday, 14 October 2016

New Library E-Resource Available Now! 圖書館新增電子資源




Thursday, 13 October 2016

New Library E-Resource Available Now! 圖書館新增電子資源



Immeasurable Compromise 無限妥協

Artists : Wong Tsz Chun Tom (黃子駿)
Date: October 17 - 28, 2016    
Venue: New Asia College Ch'ien Mu Library
Artist Statement:
WONG Tsz-chun Tom was born in 1995, now studying in the Fine Arts Department of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. WONG Tsz-chun Tom explore with both Chinese and Western media, he is now focusing on Chinese Delineative Painting (GongBi), trying to mingle the Chinese ink painting with installation and mixed media, considering the relationship between painting and three-dimensional space. Representing the ink painting in three-dimensional form to extend the possibilities in ink painting.

All are welcome to visit the exhibition during the Library's opening hours.