Wednesday, 25 April 2018

New Asia College Ch’ien Mu Library Opening Hours on the Labour Day


Late Reading Room
May 1, 2018
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Open 24 hours
Note: Library opening hours are subject to change. Please check the Library webpages before your visit.




New Library E-Resource Available Now! 圖書館新增電子資源

Title: Academic Search Ultimate
Coverage: 1975 - present
Description: A multi-disciplinary database provides full text for more than 4,500 journals.

Thursday, 19 April 2018

Summer Renovations in Learning Garden, Chung Chi College Library and United College Library

With an aim to create spaces that are technology-rich and vibrant and in response to the changing needs for learning, teaching and research, the Learning Garden, Chung Chi College Library and United College Library will be renovating their library spaces during this summer. To provide temporary book storage, the Quiet Study Area, IT Zone, Maker Bubble, Open Forum and Learning Path of the Learning Garden will be temporarily closed from 12 May 7 pm to mid-August 2018. On the lower-campus, the First Floor will be closed and the Second Floor of the Chung Chi College Library will be partially accessible from 14 May to 31 August 2018. On the upper-campus, the entire United College Library will be closed from 13 May to 31 August 2018. The Late Reading Rooms of Chung Chi College Library and United College Library will also be closed from 13 May to 31 August 2018.

During the above periods, there will be a book retrieval service for the collections that are affected by these two renovation projects. Further renovation updates will be posted on the web pages of Learning Garden, Chung Chi College Library and United College Library.


為提供一個具備全面技術及動態的空間,以應對學習、教學、研究工具及技術的不斷變化,進學園、崇基學院圖書館及聯合書院圖書館於今年夏季期間進行翻新工程。為提供書籍臨時儲存空間,進學園內的安靜閱讀區、科技資訊間、Maker Bubble、進台階、博文徑將於5月12日晚上7時至8月中旬暫停開放。位處下校園區的崇基學院圖書館於2018年5月14日至8月31日進行工程,一樓將會暫停開放,而二樓則會局部開放。位處上校園區的聯合書院圖書館亦於2018年5月13日至8月31日暫停開放。崇基學院圖書館及聯合書院圖書館的夜讀室亦於2018年5月13日至8月31日暫停開放。


Wednesday, 18 April 2018

New Library E-Resource Available Now! 圖書館新增電子資源

Title: American Race Relations: Global Perspectives, 1941-1996
Coverage: 1941 - 1996
Description: International coverage of American race relations news collected by Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS). It is an important source to study how the world responded to the racial tensions in the United States.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

New Library E-Resource Available Now! 圖書館新增電子資源

涵蓋:1915 - 1949

Monday, 9 April 2018

24 Hours Opening of New Asia College Ch'ien Mu Library and United College Wu Chung Multimedia Library Late Reading Rooms during Examination Period

The Late Reading Rooms of the New Asia College Ch'ien Mu Library and the United College Wu Chung Multimedia Library open 24 hours between 11 April 2018 at 9:30 p.m to 12 May 2018 at 9:00 a.m.

During this period, the University Security Unit will have officers patrolling the area at night to ensure the safety of the users and the good order of the Room.




Wednesday, 4 April 2018

New Library E-Resource Available Now! 圖書館新增電子資源

Title: The Cold War: Global Perspectives on East-West Tensions, 1945-1991
Coverage: 1945 - 1991
Description: Communist Bloc and developing world news collected by Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS). FBIS Daily Reports contain key issues, events and people of socialist countries in the latter half of the twentieth century.

New Library E-Resource Available Now! 圖書館新增電子資源

涵蓋:1872 - 1949