Thursday 2 January 2020

"The Spirit of Chinese Ancient - Art is Still Lingering" (Solo Display)

Artist: MAK, Kit Jing Vivian
Date: 6 – 17 January, 2020
Venue: New Asia College Ch'ien Mu Library
My paintings: Absorbing from the essence of Chinese ancient literati painting, works are developed in both meticulous and impressionistic painting ranging from ancient natural landscapes, flowers-and-birds to figures, in the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, together with paintings of Dunhuang murals from the Sixteen Kingdoms, Northern Wei, Sui and Tang, Five Dynasties, Song, Xixia and Yuan Dynasties.  My calligraphy: A creation of academic and composition. While the art of calligraphy begins with the ancient works and rubbings from calligraphers of different dynasties.  The highest art spirit of poetry, paintings and seal concludes: As the saying goes, “Good poetries deliver delicate and vivid illustrations, good paintings express poetic meaning to readers.” A seal contains the cultural legacy of thousands of years, so whenever a masterpiece is created, artists pay attention to the position of the seal, which could bring a crucial touch of enrichment to the work.

Ms. Vivian Mak has devoted herself to education for nearly 30 years. She graduated from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of the Hong Kong Baptist University and starts her teaching of Chinese language in high schools. Witnessing that most of the students’ problems were caused by broken family relationships and the lack of parent education, she completed her study in the Master of Arts in Parental Education at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2009, to further facilitate her teaching. Ms. Mak’s on-going interest in the art of Chinese calligraphy and painting has nurtured since she was young. During her college years, excellent results were achieved in the courses of Chinese paintings. After resigning from her full-time teaching recently, she is now focusing on the study of Chinese calligraphy and painting art and being grateful for the guidance of different professors from the Department of Art of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, which helps in her pursuit of the ancient Chinese art. In the journey of academic researching and calligraphy and painting creation, she aims to master the ancient style so as to accomplish a higher level of knowledge, moral and arts.

《千年凝錦  餘彩徘徊》 (個展)

我的畫作: 從中國傳統文人畫入手,廣泛研習唐宋元明清傳統山水、花鳥、人物繪畫風格,兼工工筆、寫意。遍研由十六國、北魏、隋唐、五代、宋、西夏、元各朝敦煌壁畫。千餘年以來,名迹數萬種,然後知畫理精微,畫學之博大如此,而非一家一派之能盡也,尤須師古自學,各習所長,以致學有所養,德有所進,藝有所成。陳師曾總結文人畫要素:「蓋藝術之為物,以人感人,以精神相應者也。有此感想,有此精神,然後能感人而能自感也」。我的書法: 作品是與學術研究和文字創作相結合。書法藝術必先多看歷代各書家筆迹、拓本,廣見鐘鼎、碑帖。上自鍾王,中至隋唐名家書法作品,下至明清近代。因眼中有上乘書法基礎,以後的篆隸行草才可以隨學習前進。汲取前人菁華,成為自己的韻貌。這樣才可以深厚的學術與文字底蘊,滋養出書法藝術。莫家良教授認為「風格的形成還須以尊重歷史、延續傳統為前提。前人學書,皆以臨摹古帖為不二法門,因臨帖可得古人筆法,更可「通古今之變」,進而「成一家之言」。詩書畫印完美融合的藝術精神:「詩中有畫,畫中有詩。」好的詩給人以美的、如畫的想像,而一幅好畫又能讓觀者欣賞到詩樣的意境。詩情畫意是藝術的最高境界。 一枚小小的印章,包含了千百年來的文化沉澱。文人每當作品完成後,對於落款和蓋章的位置都是非常講究的,作品最後鈐章往往能有增潤畫面的作用。喜歡寫書作畫的文人,在關鍵的位置打上印章,而印文的風格又和書畫的風格相和,令觀者賞心悅目,達致詩書畫印的完美藝術意境。

麥潔貞老師從事教育工作近三十年,早年畢業於香港浸會大學中國語言文學系,於任職中學教授中國語文科。有感學生問題多源自家庭關係之疏離及家長教育子女或過尤不及,故於2009 年在香港中文大學修畢家長教育文學碩士,以滋教學。麥老師對於中國書畫藝術之興趣及追求,未嘗間斷。中小學時期,已經常練習書法,於大學期間亦修讀國畫及工筆畫課程,成績優異。近年離開正職教學工作,專注於研究中國書畫藝術,師古自學,各習所長,更感激中文大學藝術系幾位教授不吝指導,加上源自中國文學及文化之學養,自能體悟詩、書、畫、印四者既能相輔相成,又能相互輝映,進入中國藝術的完美境界。在學術研究與書畫創作的過程中,冀能師古法道,為學不已,以致學有所養,德有所進,藝有所成。


Art Works:

More photos are available in New Asia College Library Exhibitions LibGuides.

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